tree in a snowy landscape
Shrub Winter Protection 1


Anti-desiccant Treatments

With cold winter weather, evergreens can not pull up moisture to keep themselves hydrated. Drying winter winds can dry out and damage the shrubs. Anti-desiccants are like applying “chap stick” for plants

Burlap Wind Barriers

We can wrap sensitive evergreens to help shield them from winter winds. This is particularly useful for Laurels and other plants that are better suited to the climate further south, such as Maryland, Virginia or the Carolinas

Securing Boxwoods to Combat Damaging Winter Snow

The weight of heavy snow and ice can damage boxwoods and other delicate evergreens. We can secure boxwoods with twine or burlap. We can also provide the services to remove snow from boxwoods following a heavy snow.

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Shrub Winter Protection 1

Boxwood Care

Boxwoods can be a beautiful staple of your evergreen landscape. However, Boxwoods are susceptible to a variety of insects and other pathogens. In addition, boxwood blight, a fungal disease, has been ravaging boxwoods in our area since 2011. Keeping these shrubs healthy and vigorous with our plant healthcare program, fertilization and horticultural pruning is key to helping these shrubs to resist boxwood blight.

Our arborist is available for a complimentary evaluation of your trees, shrubs and lawn.

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